Building rapport is one of the most critical skills I teach to leaders of all levels. Rapport is your ability to be on the same wavelength as someone and connect with them [read more]
As an executive coach, I work with leaders who are adept at managing their teams but struggle to lead their boss. To lead your boss, or "leading up," is an essential skill [read more]
With the increase in technical skills required to join the workforce, it’s common for executives to lead team members who have a specialized skillset. However, many bosses are noting a need for more [read more]
What do you look for in a top performer? How do you ensure they have the skills and the mindset to succeed long-term? When identifying a top performer, make sure they aspire to [read more]
The ego seeks to balance your primal instincts with social norms and reality. Everyone has an ego; it’s part of what makes us human. However, loosening ego’s grip on your decisions and actions [read more]
Analysis paralysis refers to the angst and overthinking that often happens when you’re unable to make a decision. It’s the excessive consideration of options, the influx of new information and the inability to [read more]
According to John C. Maxwell, the most successful people: Plan and think Focus Surround themselves with successful people Take risks Accentuate the positive Seek adventure I’m a long-time follower of Maxwell’s work and [read more]
Many organizations don’t develop a strategic plan and those that do rarely implement it effectively. In his article The Big Lie of Strategic Planning, Roger L. Martin states, “All executives know that strategy [read more]
Motivating new hires is easier said than done. In the age of cheesy incentives, employers are challenged to identify motivating factors that are both realistic and effective. Before delving into personality types and [read more]
You are here because you want to inspire your employees. And you have a great group to lead! You know that when your employees are performing at a high level, your company is, [read more]
Everything about workplaces from just five years ago to now is shifting. As a C-Suite Executive, losing relevancy is a scary and very real prospect. New share-economy business models like Uber and AirBnB are disrupting [read more]
As a leader, your responsibility is to provide the support that inspires growth and engages your team in a diverse workforce. Easier said than done. We are in a new era – [read more]
Weight loss is a common, if not the most common goal of many exercise and nutrition programs. But what impact does attention to nutrition and exercise have on performance in the office? Dr. David [read more]
My purpose is to help others gain the clarity and focus they need in order to manifest their intended level of greatness. As much as I drive to that end, I can’t help clients [read more]
How much time do you spend on tasks that do not align with your purpose, skills or gifts? Say no to most things you’re asked to do so you can get better and [read more]
Notice a positive change in your professional and personal life within twenty-one days. Affirmations are essentially declarations of truth that you make to yourself. On your life’s journey, you are constantly evolving. Declaring to [read more]
If you’ve read “Successful Senior Leader Branding” then you know how important it is to align your personal brand with your goals and aspirations. Synchronicity is key if you want to put a [read more]
According to John Maxwell, "People will rise to the level of conversation around them." But, how do you manage to get around influential people and hear their conversations? The answer – you read [read more]