7 Steps to Dropping Ego for Service-Centered Leadership

7 Steps to Dropping Ego for Service-Centered Leadership

The ego seeks to balance your primal instincts with social norms and reality. Everyone has an ego; it’s part of what makes us human. However, loosening ego’s grip on your decisions and actions is good for you and everyone around you, personally and professionally. Dropping your ego and adopting a service-oriented mindset can help you […]

Stop Analysis Paralysis

Stop Analysis Paralysis

Analysis paralysis refers to the angst and overthinking that often happens when you’re unable to make a decision. It’s the excessive consideration of options, the influx of new information and the inability to make a decision when presented with numerous choices (all of which sound good, feasible and correct!) We all make decisions at every […]

11 Ways to Bring Employees’ Shower Ideas to The Board Room

11 Ways to Bring Employees’ Shower Ideas to The Board Room

According to cognitive scientist, Scott Barry Kaufman’s “Wired to Create” study – 72% of people get their most creative ideas in the shower. Kaufman’s findings stress the importance of relaxation for creative thinking. Pharrell Williams, producer extraordinaire and ABC’s The Voice host agrees, admitting to Oprah in a 2014 interview that his greatest hits come […]

What Makes a Great Leader?

What Makes a Great Leader?

The number one question I get as leadership speaker and executive coach is, “What are the common characteristics of a good leader?” Every characteristic I share all comes down to one simple truth: a good leader can get the job done but a great leader leads with purpose and inspires others to live in their […]