“If I just do my job really well, I’ll get noticed and recognized and promoted.” I can’t believe I once thought that was true. I worked really hard at my job. I showed up most days before my peers. My boss knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he could count on me. If challenging projects came forward, I generally got the call. But still I often saw others getting promoted ahead of me. Looking back, I realize that I had a brand that said “tough job, give it to me”. The final straw was when I discovered that my boss wasn’t willing to promote me to another position because he was afraid that the projects I was already working would fall apart.

 As a senior leader, you must have a brand that compliments your aspirations. Here are some tips on how to build just such a brand.

1. Pick a personal purpose that will put a big dent in the universe. The world is full of problems and challenges. Pick a challenge that you can really get behind and then start chasing it.

2. Do work that you have passion for. Most people work a job that they have no passion for with the thought that after 30-40 years of that they’ll then go do something they truly want to do. However, research shows that a great number of people retire and then go back to doing the exact same thing they just retired from. A better strategy is to do work that excites you every single day.

3. Learn to say ‘no’ more often than ‘yes’. Most senior executives simply allow too many things on their plate. They are still trying to master 1,000 things to get recognition. Bill Gates is known for one thing in particular. Michael Jordan is known for one thing in particular. Hillary Clinton is known for one thing in particular. Beyonce’ is known for one thing in particular. Since they are at the top of their games, you might consider following their example. Say ‘no’ to most things you’re asked to do so you can get better and better at your ‘one’ thing.

4. Develop a message that explains who you really are. When you’re selling a product, you need to have a major catch phrase that you put out to the public. The Army puts out “We’ll make you Army strong”. Ford Motor Company puts out “Pure exhilaration, every day.”. General Dynamics puts out “General Dynamics Delivers”. You can just as easily develop a message for yourself. I have an Aunt named Helen Pope Shropshire. So her initials are HPS. She was very busy in the community in human rights and social services. Her brand message was Helping People through Service. After you develop a message like that, you will really start selling yourself.

So To Review

1. Pick a personal purpose that will put a big dent in the universe.

2. Do work that you have passion for.

3. Learn to say ‘no’ more often than ‘yes’.

4. Develop a message that explains who you really are.


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Art Jackson, Professional Speaker, Executive Coach

Art Jackson

Art Jackson is a professional speaker and executive coach. He is a recognized expert in the areas of leadership, performance improvement and interpersonal skills.

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