For current and aspiring leaders who want to discover
their intended level of greatness through personal leadership strategies.
Leaders gain clarity and focus through the practice of personal leadership. Personal Leadership is the art, talent, skill and ability to get oneself to do those things that we often don’t naturally want to do. Personal leadership requires the capacity to identify and apply signature strengths to initiate, maintain, or sustain self-influencing behaviors.
We each have an intended level of greatness within us that we can only achieve by learning to master personal leadership strategies. These strategies help us move through our lives with purpose and avoid being 30 years into our career while still questioning, who do I want to be when I grow up?
In this presentation, participants will learn to:
Understand Greatness
Develop the courage to understand who you are and where you want to be
Have the courage to commit
Learn how to constantly move out of your comfort zone
Assess your personality type, talents, gifts and strengths
Review the seven areas of assessment to discover old habits and attitudes that are sabotaging your greatness
Develop a mindset for achievement
Increase your productivity and renew your mindset
Discover your determined purpose
Uncover your unique reason for being
Synergize your calling and your vocation
Clearly define your calling and your vocation to make your efforts more productive
Plan for greatness
Create an operational plan to begin manifesting your greatness
Learn the Skills Necessary to Lead Themselves to Greatness
The Art of Personal Leadership workshop teaches the key concepts of a host of personal leadership strategies to equip participants with the skills necessary to lead themselves to greatness.
The road to greatness is often very lonely because few people decide to travel. It truly is the road less traveled. Know that you have an intended level of greatness, that everything you’ve ever dreamed about is possible for you. Know that you should trust yourself. All of those dreams you dream about, everything you’d like to accomplish, every bit of it is possible for you.