Why you procrastinate and how to fix it. www.artjackson.com

Procrastination – it happens to the best of us. You leave a meeting, sit at your desk and begin cranking out amazing work. Your significant other sends a text message about dinner and 20-minutes later you are bookmarking exotic $2 dinners in Thailand.

This type of behavior is normal on occasion. However, when you find that the urge to procrastinate is growing with each passing day – you need to fix it, and fast! After years of helping senior executives and top talent reach their full potential, I’ve discovered the most common causes behind procrastination and how to fix it.

5 reasons your procrastinate (and how to fix them!)

1. You’re tired.

If your bouts of procrastination are accompanied by fatigue, it might be time to reexamine your daily habits. Take a break, move your body and eat a nutritious meal to get the energy to power through a productive work session.

2. Your mind is clouded.

When life throws a few curveballs, it can have an effect on our professional game plan and make it extremely difficult to focus on anything else. Start a journal and get those clouded thoughts on paper. Be sure to track your progress.

3. You’re digitally distracted.

According to a salary.com survey, 89% of employees admit to wasting time at work. Are you reading this at work? The internet provides a slippery slope if you tend to procrastinate. Set your phone to ‘do not disturb,’ and close unused tabs for a focused work session.

4. You’re bored.

Your work might feel mindless or perhaps you’ve lost interest. If you are overwhelmed with boredom on the job, it may be time for a challenge. Pick up a new skill or ask leadership for a new challenge. As a result, you may be able to swing employer-sponsored continued education opportunities.

5. You lack project management.

Is your workflow poorly managed? Perhaps more intuitive systems for organization and project management could get you back on track. For example, a project management software like Wrike, Monday.com or Teamwork.com or good ole pen and paper can help you stay on track.

There is one more age-old cure for procrastination on the job – “me time!” It may sound counter-intuitive but scheduling that vacation, massage, or time to read can help you feel more present and focused when you do sit down to work.

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Art Jackson, Professional Speaker, Executive Coach

Art Jackson

Art Jackson is a professional speaker and executive coach. He is a recognized expert in the areas of leadership, performance improvement and interpersonal skills.

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